Focusing on climate, PAMOJA Environmental Focus in collaboration with SolarGrid Tanzania are working together in a vision to promote use of solar powered lanterns in South Eastern Tanzania in a renewable power resources vision "Bringing Home Africa's Renewable Energy Revolution". SolarGrid is offering solar lanterns to urban and rural communities in Mtwara at lower prices in installments which is affordable means to majority rural poor communities. Fish mongers, food vendors famously known as "mama lishe", street coffee shops dealers famously known as "vijiwe vya kahawa", teachers in urban and Mtwara rural are some of the beneficiaries. Jan Bahnsen of SolarGrid has confirmed that already about 300 units have been supplied since early December 2014 and the target for 4 months is to supply about 500 units until 28th March 2015 during Earth Hour event and 1000 units by end of 2015.
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From two kerosene lamps per table to one solar lantern; from smoke and pollution which affects climate change to ZERO pollution; from danger of contaminating fish with parafin which degrades quality of food to healthier quality food for sustainable lifestyle; from Tanzania shillings one thousand each day for parafin to ZERO cost.Note: The cost of parafin for forty days equals to the cost of one solar lantern which will ultimately last for more than five years!